Saturday, August 22, 2015

Why the name?

Greg Travis Skoy-Evenson

We have had several questions about how we came up with the name Greg! Some people look at us with surprise, wonder, and the look "where and why in the world did you come up with that?" And some say they love it. We know it doesn't matter what others think, but here is how we came up with:

Greg--it's simple, you can spell it when you hear it, it's short, it's not easily abbreviated or nicknamed, and it's not very popular.

Travis--we were going to use either one of our first names or our middle names (Roxanne and John) as the baby's middle name. I preferred Greg Paul, but Travis didn't like that as much, so we went with Travis.

Skoy-Evenson--well, this has been a continued conversation with Travis and I since the day we met when I told him I would like to keep my own name when I got married and that I would like my children to have my name. Travis had no problem that I wanted to keep my name when we get married but then thought I would "compromise" more when the time came about children! Ever since I was about 13, I can remember wanting to keep my name and could never imagine my last name as something different. It has nothing to do with what his last name is. I also feel that women sacrifice so much during pregnancy, labor, birth, and motherhood that children should carry the mothers last name--ESPECIALLY AFTER 50 HOURS OF LABOR, right!? Travis still didn't feel this way after my long labor ;) I would have loved for Travis to take my name, but he has not been accepting of that the last 17 years! Hyphenating is not ideal in our world, but it is the best solution for what we have!

2 weeks old!

Gazing at Hank!

Dino feet!

Hanging with Dr. Chad! Perfect adjustment!!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

I want my mommy!

I may have you fooled already by the title. This is not Greg wanting his mommy, it's Paula wanting her mommy! I know this is perfectly normal and typical with all the hormone changes etc., but I have reverted back to some of my feelings of wanting my mom to be around typically at night time. 

I've had this before for a few other big life changes like going into middle school at the start of fifth grade and going into college my freshman year. For some unknown reason I did not have these feelings when I went into high school??  As an 18-year-old college student, I was having my mom sleep with me at night for a few months I believe. I'd have to ask her--I'm sure she remembers every detail!

My mom graciously gives of her time and presence and was here about a week between my labor (remember 50 whole hours), hospitalization, and coming home. Of course, the first night she did not sleep over was the first night I started to realize my anxieties of wanting her here. 

Last night on FaceTime, my mom said, "how's my baby?" I said, "he's fine." She said, "no, how's MY baby, that's YOU, not Greg!" Sometimes we forget we are always a child no matter if our parents are in heaven or not!

Love you Mom!!!!!!

P.S. 1st bath last night...

Friday, August 14, 2015

God's LABOR!

Yes, that's right everyone, 50 hours of labor to produce our sweet baby!  We had full intentions of doing a homebirth, but my body was not accepting of that plan. Plan B was made after 36 hours of laboring at home and only dilating to 5 cm.  We went to the hospital and had many things that were not in our original thoughts of what labor and delivery would be, but God's plan is always "the" plan!  Maybe some other day I'll go into the details, but for now, I only have time for a picture story.

"Push, push, push, push, push, push," says Hayley RN!
Greg is born 8-6-15, 8#13oz, 22in, with a displaced and fractured right collarbone. Time will heal it perfectly!!
Close up 😍
Send soaking to get rid of bilirubin ☀️
The fam!
Second chiropractic adjustment by our great friend and colleague Dr. Chad Schultz!!
Swing time 😴

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Let's start blogging!

Well folks, here's my first attempt at blogging! 

I will use this to post about my passions in life:
Healing Touch