Wednesday, February 3, 2016


It's been a while!

Me...body, mind, spirit

My body!
-I fit into my jeans two months ago. I must weigh less than before Greg, because they are baggier by a few millimeters. Thank you Jesus for breast-feeding and healthy food choices!
-I have no idea how much I weigh.
-My skin is wrinkly all over my body and has lost a lot of elasticity. Greg will pinch my arms and my skin will raise up a few inches!
-Almost every single one of my nails has broken really low on my nailbed which is very painful.
-My poop finally became normal shortly after Mara died (so about 3 weeks ago), but last week it hardened up again due to very unfortunate issues.
-My skin is really dry for me. 
-How could I forget (I added this on the day after posting), I had a pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder area causing numbness and tingling in my left arm for four months!

My mind!
-I am working one less day per week to be at home more with Greg, and I am filled up with the thought of this.
-I now understand what it means when you want to eat up your child due to cuteness and love ;)  
-I am wondering what it means when I am listening to the book "When bad things happen to good people" on CD in my truck, and after the second CD my CD player will not eject it. Such irony!

My spirit!
-My spirits have been jostled around several times the last two months, and I often ask my spiritual director, Marci, if this is happening on purpose?
-Spirit dampeners: Mara's death, feeling ridiculed for pumping, losing trust for some people, forgetting my pump one day at work
-Spirit heighteners: being with Travis and Greg, yoga, having our moms babysit, seeing a huge eagle perched in a cornfield about 20 yards from the road one morning!

Still trying to understand God!!

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