Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Plan B and a Dimple!

The last 3 1/2 weeks I have reflected on how many Plan B's we had to go through to get Greg safely here. It just amazes me why certain people have to go through so much, and then I wonder the typical "why me?" I truly trust that it's all purposeful and God's reasoning will be figured out someday. It frustrates knowing that what we prayed for couldn't come to reality, which was my focus with my spiritual director a few weeks ago. 

For those who do not know what a spiritual director is, I explain them to be like a life coach for your spiritual path whether it be finding your purpose and/or helping direct you with your religion. I think we all should have a spiritual director, so let me know if you would like to get hooked up with one in our area!

My spiritual director helped me realize that our prayers needed to be adjusted a little bit. We were asking God for what we need and hope for versus praying for what we need and hope for AND also asking for the grace and knowledge to deal with it if it didn't happen.

We went into the whole pregnancy planning a homebirth understanding that Plan B would be a hospital birth if an event occurred that warranted it. Our fantastic midwife, Tavniah Betts from Advent Midwifery, and her midwife assistant for the day Alison, our awesome doula (labor coach), Laurie Stiers from Herbs All Around, Travis and my mom worked their magic for 36 hours which is the limit for attempting homebirth after your water breaks.  We were so grateful to be able to do this part at home--thousands (ok, maybe hundreds) of trips to the bathroom to sit on the toilet with my feet on a stool, walks inside and outside the house, homeopathic pellets, triple stair lunges, breast pump sessions, showers, rests in bed, sits on the medicine ball, and constant nutrition to maintain energy with smoothies, soup broth, apple juice, and water...and still only dilated to 5 cm!

Plan B's:
-Transferred to hospital
-Labor induced
-Used nitrous oxide
-Epidural x2!, first one didn't take
-14 more hours of labor
-Stayed overnight in the hospital
-Left the hospital at 11 PM after requesting to leave in the morning
-2 labor and delivery bills!!

Other unfortunate events that felt like we had to use Plan B type of behaviors:
-650 mL blood loss
-Extended epidural effects in my right foot and leg
-Greg with a broken right clavicle (collarbone)
-Greg received two x-rays
-Bullied by two pediatricians

I continually wonder why God puts us in the situations He does. However, I do believe there is purpose in it all and trust it happens for a reason. I'm still angry that it had to go the way it did with so much heartache. Because this post is about Plan B's, I did not put in here all of the blessings from this event--and there were many. 

So, I will end on a positive note with a picture that I finally got today after finding a dimple in Greg's left cheek about a week ago!!! Although, this picture looks like he actually has a dimple in both cheeks.

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